Welcome to Wazimap Data Manager’s documentation!

Wazimap Data Manager is a django application to upload datasets to Wazimap.

This application was built to allow users to easily upload datasets via a ui or an api.

Formatting of Data

Data Manager UI

The UI is a simple django admin page which contains 2 form fields

  • Table Name - This is the name of the field table.
  • Dataset - File to be uploaded.

Data Manager API

The api provides a programatic way to upload datasets.

There are two api urls that are needed to upload a new dataset.

  • api/1.0/table

Quick Note: This api endpoint is avaliable in wazimap This lists all the avaliable tables and their ids in wazimap

  • /api/1.0/data/upload

This endpoint allows for the uploading of the dataset to a specific Fieldtable id.